Tech News Weekly Ep. 68 – Hot Corners 3-2-12

This week on Tech News Weekly: Microsoft launches the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Andrew and Sunkast have lively debate over whether or not Windows 8 is good. An AT&T customer wins a law suit against AT&T for throttling data. Will more people start suing AT&T? Also AT&T says they may let app developers pay for users data usage. Is this fair to smaller developers? Time Warner Cable offers customers a $5 discount if they agree to a 5GB data cap. Erik examines TWC's logic and why it's a dumb idea. Rumors come up again that Apple is launching a TV streaming service. And is Google launching a tablet called the Google Play? Plus our Picks of the Week.

For all this Erik Lanigan, check out his web site,

Check out Sunkast's new music blog featuring new, not well known, unsigned, and aspiring artists:

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