The Skinny Pig: Dinner and Duck at Perilla

By Dara Pollak

PERILLAAAAAA!! I want to fall to my knees a la Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire and bellow this from the depths of my soul. PERILLAAAAAAA!!!

Dramatic? Maybe. There is a reason, I promise, and that reason just might be made of duck. My friend Gil (who, you may have noticed, has been upgraded from cubemate to “friend”), has been going on and on about Perilla since we’ve met, and since I absolutely LOVED the meal, I felt it might be time to upgrade Gil from cubemate to “friend”. So congrats Gil, you are officially my “friend”. Be happy – not many people get to enjoy this privilege. And not many people get to dine with the Mayor of Perilla either; Gil checked in on Foursquare and was announced Mayor because he has been there so many times. A night of good fortune, I say! FYI being the Mayor of a restaurant has it’s perks…read on to see what I’m referring to.

Read the rest of this blog at The Skinny Pig.