Picks of the Week: Mailnesia, and Ubuntu 11.10

Picks of the Week

Sunkast's pick: Mailnesia

Mailnesia is a temporary email address service that can be used to avoid spam and register on websites. No setup is required, just send mail to any @MailNesia.com address. It's useful if you don’t want to expose your real email address, for example at a website signup. A nice feature of Mailnesia is that it “clicks” on registration links in the email, completing your account validation for you. It also supports HTML email unlike other temporary email services. There other feature that really sets Mailnesia apart from others is that every mailbox comes with an RSS feed for you to easily keep track of new messages.

Check out Mailnesia at Mailnesia.com

Andrew's pick: Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu is an alternative operating system to Windows and Mac that is based on Linux, but with a Fast, secure and stylishly simple design. Ubuntu is used by more than 20 million people worldwide. You can still use many of the same programs as you normally would with Ubuntu. What's great about Ubuntu is the ability to try it on their web site without installing. This way you can get a real taste of the operating system, without any hassle. Ubuntu 11.10, aka Oneiric Ocelot, brings new features and many improvements.

Get or try Ubuntu at http://www.ubuntu.com