Blog : Johns Thoughts on running into an ex

John on running into an ex

I absolutely loved Jessica’s recent blog entry, and it got me thinking about the male point of view. At one point or another you will inevitably run into an ex. It could happen anywhere, anytime, shopping, during a night out or even amongst your circle of friends. So Stay Armed. Look your best all the times. Preferably always travel with a European model who speaks English “not so much”, and stay on that Minoxidil regiment. Let’s Face it guys we rarely get the upper hand. This is our chance for a little payback.

The approach

As soon as you recognize each other, approach her confidently and desperately try to mask the anxiety, pressure and discomfort. This feeling is difficult to describe, it’s sort of like somebody shoved a q-tip up your urethra. The key is confidence. Explain that you decided not to back horses anymore because fuel costs have risen for your Learjet. Joking aside, be yourself, your personality is part of what attracted her in the first place so let it shine through. Make sure to very conspicuously observe her appearance and offer a compliment. Girls love a man admiring their beauty. It will disarm her a little and make her smile…all good things.

What do you want out of this encounter?

Was this perhaps someone that you might want to see again or is this just a polite formality of running into someone. Look at her body language, notice her distance from you so you can evaluate weather she’s playing defense or not. How is the conversation flowing? If you want nothing to do with her make it quick and apologetically excuse yourself by saying “It was great seeing you!”  OK, so you might still have feelings for her, if that is the case, offer the “Maybe I’ll give you a call sometime…” and gauge her response.  If she says “Yeah, I don’t think so!” you probably shouldn’t, If she responds with interest and says “Yeah, OK sure.”  You might have a shot, but remember there should be a 3 day waiting period before you call… Don’t be a desperate loser!


You will come away from that chance encounter and start to evaluate the turn of events. You will wonder if you said the right things, made a bad joke, or worse even exposed your vulnerability. This is a big”no no” for us guys. If you really pull yourself out of the situation it’s really all about the ego. Why do we care so much? Here’s the point really. If you’re worried about running into an ex you should get yourself a Porsche. They’re good for these sorts of things.
