Blog : John on longevity

John on longevity

Before reading on please realize that its 3:00 am and I've smoked a thousand cigarettes and had a number of drinks not yet defined by the continental measuring system. I find myself wondering weather it better to live well than long. You could grow up in an average nature.Get a “good job” put in your 25 years and settle into a sort of good retirement. Or you could have been born into the Jackson family. You have to wonder weather the king of pop would've been better off if he hadn't been a king at all.

I sit here sleep deprived wondering if things could have worked out differently. What if the king decided to become a union carpenter or perhaps a cop or a firefighter. Thinks might not have turned out the same way. He probably would have lived a long and mundane life by standards of the elite.

I cant help but beg to question; would I rather make it to 50 and experience all of the glamor and privilege of a life of fame and fortune. Or live to 85 and never really know what its all about. Imagine if the world saw Marilyn Monroe or James Dean grow to old age and deteriorate.. Liz Taylor comes to mind. I don't think she”ll be immortalized in quite the same way as icons that never had a chance to fade away before they burned out. See you Thursday.
