Strategic Planning & Execution with Jim Leifer

In June, 2018, the SBE conducted a professionally facilitated, all-day strategic planning meeting attended by members of the Board, chapter chairs and national staff. The result was a list of 46 action steps to accomplish objectives of growing and retaining membership, attracting new and younger members to the SBE, and increasing participation in SBE activities among members. More information about the current SBE Strategic Plan is on the SBE web site.

On this SBE WEBxtra, SBE President, Jim Leifer, discusses the current Strategic Plan and progress toward its goals. 

We also comment on the current SBE Board of Directors election for which voting ends August 28. Jim offers a couple words of advice for the likely President-elect, Wayne Pecena.

Kicking off this SBE WEBxtra, Chriss Scherer, SBE Member Communications Director, provides a concise report of topical news updates for SBE members.

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